Moluccan Cockatoos may not be friendly with everyone, and can be quite standoffish if they choose. However, once you’ve earned their trust, they will literally start jumping at the sight of you, and even plant little “kisses” on your cheek.
2.No kids.
Cockatoos don’t seem to like children, possibly because of the noise that they make. Some cockatoos may even get aggressive and actively try to scratch any young kids that approach them! What’s interesting is that they get very annoyed kids about are very sociable and friendly with other people.
3.Hope you’ve got a dust buster.
Cockatoos and other birds produce dust, which help keep their feathers healthy. They are not recommended for anyone who has asthma or any chronic respiratory conditions.
4.Head rush.
Cockatoos are the only kinds of parrots that have head crests. They use the feathers on their head to communicate with each other.
5. True colors.
Cockatoos are the only parrots that are naturally pink or naturally white. In most cases, a white parrot is considered an albino or a genetic mutation.
6.Ouch that hurt!
They say that cockatoos bite harder than any other bird, because of their 3 point lower beak.
7.Natural performers.
Cockatoos may get loud, but if you teach them tricks, the noise may literally become music in your ears. They can dance, sing, and even do acrobatic tricks. They are like natural performers and soak up the attention. However, they tend to learn manual tricks faster than words, and they may never have the same level of enunciation as the African Gray.
8.Chew on this!
Cockatoos tend to be very prolific chewers and are even considered as one of the most destructive birds you can own. However, you can curb this habit just by buying plenty of chew toys to keep them busy. You can also give their love for taking things apart a healthy outlet. Give them puzzles and teach them to work different types of levers or ladders.
9.Feathered Houdinis.
Cockatoos are incredibly smart and curious. They can figure out how to unlock the cage (It’s important to get bird-proof locks!) and will leave their play stand to explore your home. They are also one of the few birds that don’t get scared when placed on the floor.
10.Creatures of habit.
Cockatoos seem more bothered by change than any other bird. It takes them a while to adapt to a new environment, and they may be very agitated if a routine is disrupted. Don’t move the cages of cockatoos around too much, and be very consistent about the time you feed them or play with them.