Placing toys in a conure’s cage not only entertains them, but you. They are very active, playful animals, and it can be quite amusing to watch them wrestle with a wooden block or hop from one perch to another.
There are many different types of toys. The most important consideration is size. What kind of conure do you have? Get large toys for large birds, and small toys for small birds. If you’re not sure if a toy is appropriate, just ask the pet store attendant, or if you’re buying online, send an email to their customer service. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
You’ll need several toys, but only place 2 or 3 in the cage at a time. Overcrowding the cage will not only make it difficult for your bird to move around, but can even be overwhelming and confusing. Instead, rotate your toys—changing 1 or 2 at the end of each week—and inject enough variety so there’s always something to suit your conure’s mood. For example, have a chewing toy and a climbing toy. You can also invest in a play gym, which will have several play options, and will give your bird a little “quality time” outside its cage.
Conures, like many birds, enjoy toys that make noises. You can find many squeaky toys or rattles in pet stores and baby stores. Avoid bells that have small holes that can accidentally trap beaks or claws. Also stay clear of ropes that are long enough to entangle your pets.
You can also get hoops and rings. Conures love to chew on them, hop on them, or even hang upside down from them. The most important thing is that they’re sturdy. Plastic is always a good material, though inspect them for any sharp edges that need to be filed down before they’re placed in the cage.
Conures will also like perches, set at different heights so they can hop from one to another. You can easily make a set of your own by gathering branches from your own backyard. The important thing to check is diameter. They have to be thick enough for your birds to be able to clutch them without their claws curling inward.
The branches also double as chew toys, but there are many things for conures to stick their teeth (or rather their beak) into. Just make sure that there is no choking or splintering hazards, and that the toys have not been treated with any toxic substances (like lead paint or zinc).