Dog Breeds
Dogs have hunting instincts. This is the reason why they tend to chase birds every time they see these feathered animals flying around or perched on any object.
If you have a pet dog at home and you’re planning to get a parrot, for instance, or the other way around, you need to make sure that you teach your canine to be friendly with the bird. It’s the dog that you should train well to not scare or attack the parrot especially since they will be living together in one home.
In terms of breed, it would be best to get a dog that has a calm and docile personality – one that is not aggressive and with low hunting instincts. Dog breeds you can choose from include a Bull Mastiff, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Great Dane, Saint Bernard or an English Bulldog.
But again, experienced dog trainers would tell you that there really is no particular breed of dog that will be good with birds or even kids. Remember to avoid the sporting breeds and most terriers if possible because of their aggressive behavior.
Dogs and birds can actually get along in the house. However, you need to do some training to your dog to make sure that your tweety bird stays safe. The best tip is to never leave your bird, whether freed or caged, alone in one room with the dog. Proper supervision is required to avoid any untoward incident.
There are important reasons a dog and bird should not ideally be in one place. Being predators, dogs would always want to hunt and they are easily attracted by movements. Birds, on the other hand, constantly move around in a fast manner thereby attracting a dog’s attention. But even though they don’t have any intention of eating the bird, dogs can still hurt a bird while playing with it considering the difference in their sizes.
Now a good way to protect your parrot is to use a SCAT mat. This mat is available in various shapes and used by plugging it into the wall. It normally produces a static shock when a dog or cat steps on it. You can place this around a bird’s cage to avoid your pet going near the bird. A young dog will easily get scared by the shock even for the first time so using this tool can be very effective in keeping your parrot secured in your home.
Obedience training is another vital thing to do for your canine. Use the commands “leave it” or “out” to communicate to the dog that he should not touch the bird or get punished. You can also combine it with instructions such as “down stay.” Consistency is essential when training so that your pet easily gets what you want him to do and don’t forget to reward him as well if he follows and acts the right way.
Finally, always supervise your dog and keep him away from the bird if you will be preoccupied with some tasks while at home. You need to set the rules and stick with them.