Parrots are naturally social creatures and are fun to have as pets. Some pet owners however have problems when their pets bite. Among the three most common behavior problems in parrots, which are plucking, screaming, and biting, biting is probably the most feared by pet owners but at the same time is brought about by things that the owner does. Most tame parrots will not bite without a good reason. If you get bit by an aggressive wild parrot then it is your fault for trying to handle an untamed bird. If your tame pet parrot however bites you then do not fear because parrots only bite for good reasons. All you need to do is find out why your pet is biting in order to address the problem.
Why Does My Parrot Bite?
How To Stop Your Parrot’s Biting
To stop your parrot’s biting episodes you first need to learn why it bites. If you realize that your parrot is not actually biting but exploring then simply train your parrot to learn to what degree it can “examine” fingers. When your parrot is “beaking” (not biting) reprimand it with a firm but gentle know “No” or tell it to go “Gentle”. Then push your hand into the beak instead of pulling since this will cause the parrot to break its grip. If your parrot is biting out of fear then simply remove your parrot from the stressful situation and avoid such situations next time. Warn strangers to also not try to pet your parrot or stick their fingers in its cage. But most of all you have to work with your parrot and give it trust building exercises so that it will not get easily frightened and be better adjusted. A good trust building exercise would be to trick train your bird starting with the STEP UP command and progressing to more complicated tricks as the trust between you and your bird increases.