Poicephalus parrots are very playful and need a variety of toys to be happy. Luckily the pet stores have excellent selections.
Climbing toys such as ladders are perfect for the acrobatic poicephalus parrot. Just make sure that the material is sturdy, and that if it’s made of cloth, it won’t unravel even after constant pecking or chewing.
Some birds calmly sit on swings, perfectly content to watch the view. But for the poicephalus parrot, the swings are a way to hang upside down, or whatever daredevil trick it’s somehow managed to think up. (Incidentally, they do this to perches, too.)
Chew toys are also important. These help to wear down the beaks, and give your very hyper parrots a chance to work off all that energy on their toys rather than, say, your finger.
Parrots are also fond of sound toys like rattles or bells. Just be sure that the material’s sturdy, and can survive the biting and pecking. Also avoid bells that have holes. Those are great for decorating reindeer harnesses, but the holes can trap the beaks and claws of your poor pet.
There are also play gyms, the Disneyworld of parrots. These contain an assortment of toys, from slides to perches to accessories that you can interchange. These are excellent for active birds like the poicephalus parrot.
Play gyms can’t fit inside the cage, and are meant for “outdoor” play. Experts recommend that birds spend at least two hours outside the confines of their cage. They can stretch their wings, and enjoy a change in scenery. Play gyms are also the perfect stage for tricks.
Don’t forget the toys you can find at home, like pill caps and old toilet paper rolls. Parrots will also like corrugated cardboard that’s been rolled and tied with a string. Just poke holes with a sharp knife or stick, and tie short pieces of rope (don’t make them too long so that there’s no risk of getting entangled).
You can place 2 or 3 toys in the parrots’ cage at a time, and then replace with a new set at the end of the week. Rotating toys gives them enough variety and leaves more room in the cage to play.
Be sure to clean toys regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria. Cleaning instructions depends on the material. Porous materials like leather can get moldy if they’re stored when they’re damp, so leave these out in the sun to dry before chucking into a drawer.